Since gynecologist and sex educator, Dr. Maureen Whelihan and writer Anne Rodgers were intrigued by women's sexual desire, together they created a six-question survey to distribute to patients in Dr. Whelihan's office. A total of 1,300 respondents weighed in, providing today’s women the long-denied platform to clarify what stimulates their desire, what they think about during sex, what they wish their partners would not do, and more.
This survey differs from those that have gone before by zeroing in on women's desire. All the how-to books in the world don’t do much good if a woman isn’t in the mood to experiment, relax, slow down and focus on her pleasure.
"Kiss and Tell" shares trends and findings that emerged from the survey, as well as unforgettable interviews with women in each decade of a woman's life, as they clarify how their desire has shifted throughout their lifetime, what has impacted their sex drive and how they perceive their overall sexuality.
Along the way, Dr. Whelihan weighs in with helpful medical background to explain certain conditions, as well as commentary on lessons she's learned from years of candid conversations with her patients.